Reflect's new editor
Big news. We just shipped a new editor. This was the culmination of about three months of work from the Reflect team and is why you haven't heard much of a peep from us recently.
For fellow nerds out there, we moved from using Slate to Prosemirror. What does this mean in practice? Much better editing. Better copy paste, list handling, drag/drop, spell-check, etc. This resolves our #1 piece of feedback.
The editor switch also future-proofs us. Prosemirror has much better Android and iOS support (hint hint), and allows us to save transactions (meaning history diffs).
Along with the new editor, we're releasing:
Drag and drop file uploads.
Calendar integration.
New links are append to Daily Notes
Emoji and advanced typography support (try typing '->')
And tons of smaller fixes.
We know a lot of you are patiently waiting to access the beta. Implementing this new editor was the last step before widening the beta. Stay tuned!